Give this a try and et us know what you think here or leave a comment for Jake. One recommendation I have is to include a couple of examples in the HELP text in the code.įrom R2017a, you can use sortrows with tables to accomplish a similar task cleanly and efficiently. The MATLAB function sortrows(A,j) sorts the rows of the matrix a based on the entries of the j-th column. In order to do that, it requires some data manipulations. I want to be able to sort according to specific fields. Sometimes, I want to do a similar action on structure arrays. If you have Statistics Toolbox, there are corresponding functions for dataset arrays and ordinal arrays. I use it often when I am doing some data management. MATLAB has a nice function sortrows to sort matrices (numeric or cells) based on specific column(s). let’s work more with a couple of examples, maybe those help practice.
Matlab code phpA7 14 4 3 12 5 0 1 Bsort(A) You can also use Bsort(A,’ascend’) Csort(A,’descend’)/php As simple as that. and sorting A in descending order will result to. To sort by rows, the dimension 2 is specified.Jiro's pick this week is Nested Struct Sort by Jake Hughey. Sorting A in ascending order will result to. So instead of sorting A and then having B follow the new order, let's undo a sorting operation, and in a way that multiple vectors could benefit, if necessary.
And I occasionally get asked how to reverse the sort direction from MATLAB. Note that if we did not have the’ descend’ option, fliplr (for a row vector) or flipud (for a column vector) could be used after sorting.įor matrices, the sort function will by default sort each column. We can sometimes be motivated to reverse things in Boston. Sorting a column vector results in another column vector. Sorting a row vector results in another row vector. This is called the selection sort it is one of many different sorting algorithms. This continues element-by-element, until the vector has been sorted. It was put there by exchanging with what had been in the first element, 85. The left column shows the original vector. The second column (from the left) shows that the smallest number, the 70, is now in the first element in the vector. What is important in each pass through the vector is where the smallest value is so the elements to be exchanged are known (not what the actual smallest number is). Once the next-to-last number has been placed in the correct location in the vector, the last number, by default, has been as well.